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Promo : Mardi gras


All-Star 3


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All-Star 3


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All-Star 3


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All-Star 1
WeRe: Promo : Mardi gras

These guys must be on drugs. Highest is a 98? And another CP (96?????) after they dropped a 99 and a 98 in the past week? Insanity


All-Star 1
And then they go change Coaches to boost items when it's just the same exact thing without using a particular coach. They must get off on doing a lot of work that doesn't actually improve anything.......


Pro 1
And then they go change Coaches to boost items when it's just the same exact thing without using a particular coach. They must get off on doing a lot of work that doesn't actually improve anything.......

Yeah... I can't wait to have GI Joe as my coach! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, new coaches are needed


Pro 1
Now that I think about it, why even stick to NBA players?

My dream lineup:
PG Future Boy Conan
SG Chuck Norris
SF Pinhead (the cenobite dude)
PF Donkey Kong
C The Hulk
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Lol hahaha, this is hilarious! I love new content but I don't know know how to feel about this one. So will coaches and mascots be interchangeable or will mascots have a different slot?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Lol hahaha, this is hilarious! I love new content but I don't know know how to feel about this one. So will coaches and mascots be interchangeable or will mascots have a different slot?

They're both listed as boost items that's what they AH filter for coaches was changed to earlier this week sucks that they chose the secondary mascot of the Pelicans rather than the primary one
Re: WeRe: Promo : Mardi gras

These guys must be on drugs. Highest is a 98? And another CP (96?????) after they dropped a 99 and a 98 in the past week? Insanity

I believe this is a no-stamina, free 5-event campaign. Do you really want brand new players getting a free 99+? The 98+s dropped in the past week aren't free.


All-Star 1
Re: WeRe: Promo : Mardi gras

These guys must be on drugs. Highest is a 98? And another CP (96?????) after they dropped a 99 and a 98 in the past week? Insanity

I believe this is a no-stamina, free 5-event campaign. Do you really want brand new players getting a free 99+? The 98+s dropped in the past week aren't free.

According to my logic it's out there. Cool deal for ppl with low OVR but they still have $ packs and if I'm a 92 OVR and I can get a LNY Harden w clutch for under 300k, why would I be spending $ on this? High OVR aren't spending squat in this. And I stand by the CP3 comment

I don't care if you had to spend $ for the other 2 or not......wtf aren't they using other, less used players? That's my point. And if you're gonna release the 3rd card for a single player within a week or so.....it should never be a lower rated card. That's my 2 cents anyways
Re: WeRe: Promo : Mardi gras

These guys must be on drugs. Highest is a 98? And another CP (96?????) after they dropped a 99 and a 98 in the past week? Insanity

I believe this is a no-stamina, free 5-event campaign. Do you really want brand new players getting a free 99+? The 98+s dropped in the past week aren't free.

According to my logic it's out there. Cool deal for ppl with low OVR but they still have $ packs and if I'm a 92 OVR and I can get a LNY Harden w clutch for under 300k, why would I be spending $ on this? High OVR aren't spending squat in this. And I stand by the CP3 comment

I don't care if you had to spend $ for the other 2 or not......wtf aren't they using other, less used players? That's my point. And if you're gonna release the 3rd card for a single player within a week or so.....it should never be a lower rated card. That's my 2 cents anyways

Fair enough. And yeah, didn't we get like 4 96-99 OVR CP3s in the past month? Lol, really way too many in such a short period of time...


Rookie 1
EA should have thought ahead and made another 99 POTW instead of Chris Paul. Chris Paul is a Hornets legend after all.


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