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Rookie 1
Say you have an 89 rated player u want to auction.....you look through the auction house and the lowest amount you find an 89 player being auctioned for is say 1,200454. Is that the lowest u can put ur guy up for auction? If not, how much lower can you go before it won't show up?


All-Star 1
EA has placed restrictions on all cards so that they can only be listed/ bought/ sold between certain price ranges. You aren't able to sell your 89 for anything less than the price cap as it currently stands. Hopefully they'll change things soon
It’s almost impossible to sell a card at the moment. I was able to sell a 92 from the previous promo because there was a demand for the Wilt set, but I could only sell one of the two 92s I was trying to offload. There was a market for golds during the recent promo. Other than that, the AH is dead. The caps are too high, it’s too difficult to make coins, and the promos are giving ftp plenty of Masters. The only use for an 89 would be in a new upgrade set, but they don’t exist yet and at the current cap there wouldn’t be a huge demand.


Rookie 1
The amount and 89 ranked guy was just an example. I wasn't really trying to auction an 89 ranked man, I was just asking how much lower can you auction a player under cap and how do you know what cap is.......is it just by searching what others are selling that ranked player for?


All-Star 3
The amount and 89 ranked guy was just an example. I wasn't really trying to auction an 89 ranked man, I was just asking how much lower can you auction a player under cap and how do you know what cap is.......is it just by searching what others are selling that ranked player for?
Look through the bid now prices of all the 89s.. the lowest is the cap


Rookie 1
Yeah that's what Ive been doing....the auction house sucks. Its almost pointless....you cant hardly ever get rid of players then it takes forever to delete and get them back.


Rookie 1
Your player doesnt sell is because no one is willing to pay a hefty price of 2.5 mil for the 89-94 card, especially those from promos that are way too common and everyone has it


All-Star 1
This is why I don‘t understand the need for price floors. Price caps is one thing but floors seem entirely unnecessary.
Cards in the 70's sell, but at a low probability and its so tedious.

We just want to recycle our obsolete cards with too much effort. The Donovan Mitchell campaign and the mother's day event were steps in this direction, but each had issues.
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Rookie 1
I'm playing for ~2 months and this is one of the main reasons this game is becoming really old really fast. -The elusive AH caps the inability to sell anything...

-I rmmbr grinding hard jumping through hoops to claim some 89-92 players as (sub)Masters, when I started playing. Now they are useless, and you can get -nothing- for them. And it's not even that having a cutting-edge lineup of latest Masters gives you the great advantage in the game. Aside infuriating ''dynamic game toughness adjustment''.. Also I learned that at season end, only multi-year lineup carries on, and it is only for Arena. It all just creates a taste...
Price drop in the AH with 70 OVR cards starting at 2,200 coins (was 3800) and 65-69 OVR offered sub 200 coins (was 650). I don't directly buy/sell the 70's because its too competitive and time consuming, but I buy 8 x 65s, convert to a 70-74 in core sets, and sell for 15,000 to 25,000. Selling has been better lately.

I had a brainy idea for inventory management. The question is whether to quicksell all the live tokens or save them in case there is another event that uses them (or low ovr players) to get good ones. I realized you can stash a lot of them in the George and Mitchell Campaign sets, without completing those sets*. They can be retrieved later without counting against 1400 inventory max while in storage. You can fit nearly 400 items.

There is also the player sets, which haven't seemed worth the hassle. But if I have the math right, 100 live tokens gives 20 players. Of these perhaps 4 (maybe higher, like 30%) will be 70+ and 16 will be 65-69. The latter can be converted to 2 more 70+. The six 70+ can be sold for about 100,000 coins less 10%. Versus quickselling the original 100 tokens for 50,000 coins. But if you do not have live today tokens and need to convert 2:1 to live trophy tokens, it is probably a breakeven trade.

*Funny, didn't expect to discuss a George Mitchell campaign here.
It’s almost impossible to sell a card at the moment. I was able to sell a 92 from the previous promo because there was a demand for the Wilt set, but I could only sell one of the two 92s I was trying to offload. There was a market for golds during the recent promo. Other than that, the AH is dead. The caps are too high, it’s too difficult to make coins, and the promos are giving ftp plenty of Masters. The only use for an 89 would be in a new upgrade set, but they don’t exist yet and at the current cap there wouldn’t be a huge demand.
What are you kidding me.... I made nearly 8 million in just a week... Maybe even more by 555/999999999 price sold 90 ovr james 3 88 ovrs and too many 80-84 ovr players..... Just keep posting this way every 4 hours


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Rookie 1
Finally, after one month of trying... I’ve sold 2 of them with this prices... I’m happy with it the thing is, there will be maybe some new sets in which we can trade them?? Is that maybe the reason why someone finally bought em?


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Finally, after one month of trying... I’ve sold 2 of them with this prices... I’m happy with it the thing is, there will be maybe some new sets in which we can trade them?? Is that maybe the reason why someone finally bought em?
No they just bought them just cuz they were so cheap


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