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[Poll] Manual or Auto-Switch Defense

Do you prefer to use the Manual defense or the Auto-switch defense?

  • Manual

    Votes: 24 64.9%
  • Auto-switch

    Votes: 13 35.1%

  • Total voters


All-Star 1
After seeing the thread about auto vs manual I tried auto last night & it felt like being blind, walking around my house. Kind of knew what I was doing but it wasn't ideal.


All-Star 1
After seeing the thread about auto vs manual I tried auto last night & it felt like being blind, walking around my house. Kind of knew what I was doing but it wasn't ideal.
I've played extensively with both versions. Each has its own pros and cons so I don't think there is one "right" answer. It's clearly a preference. I've managed +30pt margins in lvl using both and no problem reach Legend in SD when I choose to do so. At the end of the day, I believe we are all at the mercy of EA with respect to the outcome of any given match - manual or auto.


Rookie 3
After seeing the thread about auto vs manual I tried auto last night & it felt like being blind, walking around my house. Kind of knew what I was doing but it wasn't ideal.
I've played extensively with both versions. Each has its own pros and cons so I don't think there is one "right" answer. It's clearly a preference. I've managed +30pt margins in lvl using both and no problem reach Legend in SD when I choose to do so. At the end of the day, I believe we are all at the mercy of EA with respect to the outcome of any given match - manual or auto.

100% correct! and it also sucks that you cant AP SD (i did extensively last season :D :D)


Pro 1
I think you can thrive with both options. not a big difference. The one you're more adapted to is the best :p I go with autoswitch, if anything it seems more relaxed.

in most of the defensive plays that I'd think the autoswitching wasn't fast enough or switching correctly and I would do better with a switch button, I would still get similar results with the switch button. And In plays like post-shots I actually defend faster with the autoswitch.


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