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PG13 Cards Help


Rookie 1
Hey All - need help on deciding for this Awards Promo which way to go for Defensive squad

I already have the Easter DF PG13 with +3 boost, which I can't use if I keep the MVP PG13 SF or DPOY PG13 SG. However, I have McDermott +3 boost & 3pt Clutch. So I was wondering, with the available combos, what do you guys recommend I go with. Ignoring, of course, PG/PF/C positions for this exercise:

I do love playing with MVP PG13 as is but can get the boost + ITP

Option A
  • Start: 104 SG PG13 DPOY w/Boost, 104 SF Giannis DPOY w/Boost
  • Bench: 107 SG RJ Barret, 101 SF McDermot w/Boost & 3 Clutch
Option B
  • Start: SG Bradley/JJ Redick/Luca Doncic, 106 SF PG13 MVP w/Boost & ITP
  • Bench: 106 SG RJ Barret, 101 SF McDermot OR 104 SF Giannis DPOY w/Boost

I'm also open to other options/opinions. Guess just wondering if SG PG13 DPOY or SF Giannis DPOY are worth it? And if there are other options for DEF SG out there.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You can use 104 and 106 PG in the same lineup because they're different positions

Option C
Start RJ and PG
Bench PG and Giannis


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