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Pace of Highest Overall Cards

So at this time last year 95 Lebron and 95 Curry were the highest cards in this game (I think ASG MVP was 95, but even he wasn't my point still stands) and as of right now we already have 99s and attainable 98s. What pace do you see the cards moving up at?

There is still another half of the season + playoffs and after the finals.

If from the beginning of the season (where the highest card was 83) until half the season (where we already have 99s) has seen an increase in the best card of +16 (from 83 -->99) do you think we will see this same progression from now until the end of the season? Will it slow down?

Like I'm pretty sure the best March Madness cards last year (Magic, BIrd, Mitchell etc) were only 96. What are your thoughts on this trend?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
There's 2 100s now as well and the first 100 last year came out in June which is 4 months away and we maxed out at 107 last year not accounting for training so I think we will hit that 110 mark but last year did have training so technically at this time last season there were 100s last year so it just looks off because it is still on pace with last year when you take into account training
They decided to make platinum cards 100 OVR this season instead of 95 OVR so technically both All-Star promos were the first to introduce promo platinums. As Stewie said, the OVR will probably top 110.

I would say the recent rise in p2w accounts from 97/98 to 99/100 during this promo coupled with the recent changes in the AI gameplay have had a big impact in the last week.
Well, if we're gonna get 110 ovr cards, better sooner than later. Last season i played with my 105+ ovr like 2 weeks before the reset.


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