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Official Release of TorchBeak.com!


Rookie 1
Today is the day!
The official release of TorchBeak.com for the NBA Live Mobile community.
With this site, users can gain access to the following tools:

1.) TorchBeak's Workbook - Provides a spreadsheet table on all NBALM players and coaches.

2.) TorchBeak's Comparison Tool - In conjunction with the Workbook, allows users to copy and paste rows in to compare cards. Has a Player and a Coach tab for comparisons.

3.) PlayerDB - A web app featuring the ability to search for any stat for any player. Also contains side panels for each card with details and card art.

4.) CoachDB - A web app featuring the ability to search for any stat for any coach. Also contains side panels for each card with details and card art.

5.) NBALiveCommunity - Link to this wonderful site.

Please provide your feedback on any of these tools, and let me know what you think.
Looks great! I love the player DB.

Feedback: Would you be able to create a comparison tool within the 'Player DB' that just puts the cards side by side? I think it would be a lot smoother and more user friendly than the current comparison tool.


Rookie 1
I wish.
The app does not feature that ability.
The best I could say now is to open up two tabs on your phone, or use side by side on two tabs on a computer.

I'll continue to look into it.


Rookie 1
The website? The WorkBook is closed, so that won't work.
The website should be open to everyone.
All Apps should work on there as well.
Let me know if there is any issue there.


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