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Offensive Rebound Shot Clock now resets to 14

Just noticed it today, shot clock resets to 14 secs after an offensive rebound. Didn't think they'd take the effort to apply those new rules in, but ok.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's been like that all season 3 to match the new rule in the NBA I could be wrong because I almost never look at the clock in that situation


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's been like that all season 3 to match the new rule in the NBA I could be wrong because I almost never look at the clock in that situation

Its weird what rules they chose to follow

Agreed you can tackle people and no call or you can commit a backcourt violation and nothing is called but when you get an offensive rebound you must follow the new 14 second rule and not rules that have been in the NBA forever


Rookie 1
I can live with bad foul calling as that pretty much resemble the ref quality nowadays :lol:

but backcourt violation is too basic to be missed out :roll:


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