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North Pole Victor or Paul? I will get FB Redick or Ariza on Friday.

The only thing I know is that JJ Redick ai sucks. What a brick machine. I faced him like 6 times last SD season & i almost felt bad for my opponent.
I'd say that depends on your winter lineup. Since you have Harris at 87/88ovr I'd get Oladipo so I can move Harris to my winter bench for a higher winter ovr.


Rookie 1
I'd say that depends on your winter lineup. Since you have Harris at 87/88ovr I'd get Oladipo so I can move Harris to my winter bench for a higher winter ovr.

I went with Paul George, I will just train up Gary Harris two more levels and call it a day. I realized that when I put George in my lineup. I don't wanna grind that hard and spend 1 million coins for another player. I find Harris's three lacking at time. He cannot make any contested shots.


Rookie 1
tbh that Paul George card looks so sexy!!! i want it but i went for Oladipo instead... we all know its only a matter of time til they drop a NEW Lebron or Durant SF Card. 100% coming soon
tbh that Paul George card looks so sexy!!! i want it but i went for Oladipo instead... we all know its only a matter of time til they drop a NEW Lebron or Durant SF Card. 100% coming soon
This is exactly why I won't be going for PG. I'm also quite sure a Lebron or Durant card is coming soon. After getting 2 masters my main focus would be training them up to 93. If after that I have enough time I might do PG.


All-Star 1
tbh that Paul George card looks so sexy!!! i want it but i went for Oladipo instead... we all know its only a matter of time til they drop a NEW Lebron or Durant SF Card. 100% coming soon
This is exactly why I won't be going for PG. I'm also quite sure a Lebron or Durant card is coming soon. After getting 2 masters my main focus would be training them up to 93. If after that I have enough time I might do PG.

I think you guys make an excellent point and I?m going to switch to VO as well. Might even make it easier to get PG13.


Rookie 1
tbh that Paul George card looks so sexy!!! i want it but i went for Oladipo instead... we all know its only a matter of time til they drop a NEW Lebron or Durant SF Card. 100% coming soon

Durant was master for the first promo and lebron has been used like 2 or 3 times before. I'm not sure if those guys will have better cards very soon.


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