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North Pole Max line-up stats.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't know if you meant the masters or all of them but here is 93 KG, 93, PG, 89 Booker, and 89 Cauley-Stein

The stats for 89 Siakam are...
86 Speed
88 Agility
90 Mid-Range Shot
82 3 Point Shot
91 Inside Paint Shot
91 Post Shot
90 Dunk
89 Scoring With Contact
70 On Ball Defense
94 Block
74 Steal
83 Dribbling
84 Passing Accuracy
81 Contested Shot
88 Offensive Rebounding
87 Defensive Rebounding


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Rookie 3
Cauley-stein's stats are kinda disappointing for an 89 center. Though still thinking to max him out for my bench to improve my ovr. Someone has stats of maxed harris? I find his 86ovr very decent.
@stewie, i know you have already many thanks received but add a hundred from me for all your effort (do we have thanks counter here?).=)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Cauley-stein's stats are kinda disappointing for an 89 center. Though still thinking to max him out for my bench to improve my ovr. Someone has stats of maxed harris? I find his 86ovr very decent.
@stewie, i know you have already many thanks received but add a hundred from me for all your effort (do we have thanks counter here?).=)

Yeah WCS is a bench card only
We may get one in the future when we change formats I'm not sure but your welcome regardless and thanks for the kind words
If I find anymore maxed NP eligible players I'll post them here
Anyone walk away due to the coin prices to level these players?

Merry Xmas from ea

You dont have any harvest master?

A league mate sold his Tatum for 900k. Then spent that to reach 83 ovr np lineup to get PG. Sold PG for around 3M. Then he bought Tatum again for a little less than that 900k.
And now he's going for a 85 ovr np lineup to get KG and keep it.

He will end with a master and a profit.


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