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North Pole Bundle was good to me


Rookie 2
I had been saving up to buy a winter pack that would be fun. Unfortunately no elite presents which was my hope but I did get about 8 elites including 3 85 or better and a non box topper of 89 Winter Kevin Love which I bumped my PF spot with!

If you have cash laying around or P2P this looks like a pretty loaded bundle.


Rookie 1
I had been saving up to buy a winter pack that would be fun. Unfortunately no elite presents which was my hope but I did get about 8 elites including 3 85 or better and a non box topper of 89 Winter Kevin Love which I bumped my PF spot with!

If you have cash laying around or P2P this looks like a pretty loaded bundle.

Making the bundle worth it is solely base on getting a topper of 89ovr and up. if u dont get a topper of 89ovr and up for 5k nba cash ur better off getting staminas and play the campaign over and over again... you would get much much more Ornament tokens that way.
I bought the pack for 700 nba cash (can't remember what it was called), and also pulled Kevin Love! Was pretty happy with that, so I'm now going for George instead of Garnett at the moment :)


Rookie 2
i reaaaaaaaally wanted an elite present but I'm happier with the bundle which gave me the 89 Love and some 85+ elites rather than 1 elite present and w/e other elites are in the new 5k cash pack. Still got plenty of gold presents which should be fun to open as well.


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