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No viable server


Rookie 2
When I go into arena mode, it just says “no viable server”, so I can’t play any matches. Anyone know why this happens?


Rookie 2
same issue, it goes to no viable server for days then fixes itself then no viable server again,. When I use the gym internet before the lockdown it actually works even tho the gym internet is worse than my home


Rookie 3
Turn on your cell phone's GPS, clear your cache and cookies make sure the game is saved uninstall it and reinstall it when that happens to me and I do that I'm back in within 5 to 8 minutes


Rookie 2
Turn on your cell phone's GPS, clear your cache and cookies make sure the game is saved uninstall it and reinstall it when that happens to me and I do that I'm back in within 5 to 8 minutes
Doesn't work. Thanks for the tips tho


All-Star 1
Doesn't work. Thanks for the tips tho
This usually happens to me when a match is in progress and I’ve unexpectedly disconnected (Usually before match even starts). Waiting it out for 10 min or so usually resolves it for me. I’ve also found that Android seems to handle this situation bette than iOS. The latter almost always result s in a forfeit while the former is hit or miss but often gives results of the match without a forfeit.


Rookie 2
The disconnect shows a different error. Forgot what. But that one will just have to wait. Then I will lose. It happens quite often.

But the no viable server looks like some internet server they can't let you play.

The weird thing is it worked for a few days last week


All-Star 1
The disconnect shows a different error. Forgot what. But that one will just have to wait. Then I will lose. It happens quite often.

But the no viable server looks like some internet server they can't let you play.

The weird thing is it worked for a few days last week
I know what you mean. Have seen both messages but for me it happened in the same manner. In the case of no viable server a match actually finished just like a disconnect. Also, I’ve had a lot of instances where it says the results of this match could not be posted but then immediately following the message I get the results.🤷🏼‍♂️


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