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Next part of the Winter promo

^^^As expected. They know people will drop tons of cash trying so why not make the chance of pulling one 2.5%. Less chance = more cash. Also is that a new currency? Lol so whatever rep or coins we saved can't be used? That's a ***** move by EA!

No that's that currency that China uses instead of cash a lot of games from China like to use diamonds as paid currency
Oh thank God! Carry on....


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Does anyone know if the store exclusive legend is auctionable?

That's not related to the topic but yes 92 World B Free is auctionable the max he can be sold for is 2.7 mil but people can buy it for as much as 3.4 mil if you mean the Gjost cards then yes they are also auctionable but can also only be sold for a max of 2.7 mil but can be bought for as much as 3.4 mil like all 90+ cards


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