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Next Legend 96 PF Bob Pettit ‘56


All-Star 1
Perfect. Been waiting for a pf
Nice! I have been too. Currently using Collins who I'm not a fan of. He can finally move to the bench for boosts.

Ya switched back to kg .. still waiting to c who tmr s flashback is
I did the same a while ago. Sold Ghost Markkanen because he seemed to be a liability on defense. I may try to flip Pettit and buy back later since there should be a lot of demand for him. Been sitting on enough tokens for 2 Legends and I'm about 1/3 of the way to my 3rd. Glad to finally use some of them!


All-Star 3
Nice! I have been too. Currently using Collins who I'm not a fan of. He can finally move to the bench for boosts.

Ya switched back to kg .. still waiting to c who tmr s flashback is
I did the same a while ago. Sold Ghost Markkanen because he seemed to be a liability on defense. I may try to flip Pettit and buy back later since there should be a lot of demand for him. Been sitting on enough tokens for 2 Legends and I'm about 1/3 of the way to my 3rd. Glad to finally use some of them!
Seeems like ur stock piling coins.. How much do u havr now.. 15mill?
Ya been setting on tokems for 2 legends 2..


All-Star 1
Ya switched back to kg .. still waiting to c who tmr s flashback is
I did the same a while ago. Sold Ghost Markkanen because he seemed to be a liability on defense. I may try to flip Pettit and buy back later since there should be a lot of demand for him. Been sitting on enough tokens for 2 Legends and I'm about 1/3 of the way to my 3rd. Glad to finally use some of them!
Seeems like ur stock piling coins.. How much do u havr now.. 15mill?
Ya been setting on tokems for 2 legends 2..



All-Star 1
Any reports of Pettit's gameplay? Not really worth selling given the current state of the AH.

Edit: Just saw he is boosted to 97 with Brett Brown +8 steal
Any reports of Pettit's gameplay? Not really worth selling given the current state of the AH.

Edit: Just saw he is boosted to 97 with Brett Brown +8 steal

I got him immediately after maintenance and put him up for 2mil as there were no cards up yet. 20mins later I was undercut by 800k :roll: Your right ain't worth selling so once he expires he goes on the team. He also gets boosted to 97 with Pops +8 SWC, though I did have Collins on my bench so that could have also been what did it. I'll have to try him once he expires, hopefully his offensive game play is better than his stats.


Rookie 1
Any reports of Pettit's gameplay? Not really worth selling given the current state of the AH.

Edit: Just saw he is boosted to 97 with Brett Brown +8 steal

I got him immediately after maintenance and put him up for 2mil as there were no cards up yet. 20mins later I was undercut by 800k :roll: Your right ain't worth selling so once he expires he goes on the team. He also gets boosted to 97 with Pops +8 SWC, though I did have Collins on my bench so that could have also been what did it. I'll have to try him once he expires, hopefully his offensive game play is better than his stats.
so you will keep him in your lineup
Any reports of Pettit's gameplay? Not really worth selling given the current state of the AH.

Edit: Just saw he is boosted to 97 with Brett Brown +8 steal

I got him immediately after maintenance and put him up for 2mil as there were no cards up yet. 20mins later I was undercut by 800k :roll: Your right ain't worth selling so once he expires he goes on the team. He also gets boosted to 97 with Pops +8 SWC, though I did have Collins on my bench so that could have also been what did it. I'll have to try him once he expires, hopefully his offensive game play is better than his stats.
so you will keep him in your lineup
I will only because his a 97 on my lineup but after an hour of playing with him his absolutely atrocious at scoring, even the green circle on his meter is so tiny from mid range. His rebounding was the only thing I liked.


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