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New Record Breaker is Kevin Garnett


Rookie 1
his stats might not be good, but these stats are just numbers tbh lol, everyone is always looking at stats.. I just tried a 105 Ben Simmons with 79 (3pt rating) made all his 6 shots attempt in LvL no problem lol, he might still be a beast despite the underwhelming stats.

At this point EA just throwing stats numbers out there..Give KG a chance :) but i dont think hes worth it since its a NON AUC card.


Pro 1
Ovr is king.

If it doesn’t get to 110 it’s barely worth considering for me (110 ovr now)

You only know how good a card is until you try it. This being said, I usually like Garnett cards a lot


Pro 2
For some odd reason he makes it more difficult to hit 111. I can play around and make it happen. It’s odd. His attributes are not overwhelming, not underwhelming. But his primaries are okay and I’ve become a believer that primary stats matter and attributes are intended to get guys like me to spend money.

Here is the bigger problem - checking him out in gameplay. Let’s face it I want to see how he rebounds. The problem is opponents ai. We know EA jacked up the #### out of ai 2 to three weeks ago. Two days ago they supposedly did something to reduce the ovr advantage in gameplay. Here is what I’ve noticed — all they did was make it almost impossible for ai to miss a shot. So defense goes like this - steal or it’s a made shot. No chance for rebounding. It’s ridiculous. It really doesn’t change the outcome (win/lose), but it guts playing D. And after 5 SD matches I have no idea how KG rebounds because there was only 1 chance for a D RB and AD grabbed it.

“EA - Looking For Ways to Make Games More Boring For 30 Years”

Edit - I played a 110, 3 109s, and a 107. They all shot lights out. Only the 107 missed a shot.
....a days ago they supposedly did something to reduce the ovr advantage in gameplay. Here is what I’ve noticed — all they did was make it almost impossible for ai to miss a shot. So defense goes like this - steal or it’s a made shot. No chance for rebounding. It’s ridiculous.
It's even worse when your at a disadvantage. I just played a 110 in SD and LvsL at a disadvantage and it was impossible to stop them from scoring. Every shot went in while mine were missing like never before! They definitely did not reduce the disadvantage and it actually feels worse than before the change.


Rookie 1
What OVR are the players you can get from the set that lets you pick a record breaker for 10 records? I was out of the game for a while but back and KG is the only record breaker I have. Trying to decide whether to train him or save up ten and complete that set.


Pro 2
It's even worse when your at a disadvantage. I just played a 110 in SD and LvsL at a disadvantage and it was impossible to stop them from scoring. Every shot went in while mine were missing like never before! They definitely did not reduce the disadvantage and it actually feels worse than before the change.
It’s weird. I was playing a 108 (I’m 111) in SD and it showed the advantage as 2%. But yeah ai has been jacked up for a couple weeks. I’m having better luck in lvl. Had to play a 111 yesterday with 110 LBJ, 110 Harden, and 110 Kawhi. He put up 25 on me and I returned the favor on him to net zero. Just split drives on 2 110s and went 30-2. Still using Carter. I’m a really big fan of Gasol and AD. At least when the game lets ai miss.


Pro 2
What OVR are the players you can get from the set that lets you pick a record breaker for 10 records? I was out of the game for a while but back and KG is the only record breaker I have. Trying to decide whether to train him or save up ten and complete that set.
The 2 highest are 106 Baylor and 108 Hakeem. Not sure if you can get 107 Hield in that set.


Rookie 1
If I have 25 record tokens, does anyone know how high will that take KG’s OVR? (Was out of the game since very early in the season and just getting back into it now…)


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