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New golden tickets


All-Star 1
I was thinking that these were all gonna be garbage but there are quite a few I would like to have......if they were 105 or better. The 104 OVR is a blunder.......
I pulled that Hakeem. He's pretty sweet for a SF and they gave him a decent outside shot. Nobody blocking that

By pull, do you mean from the GT BOB pack? I’m sitting on quite a bit of stashed NBA cash and wondering if it’s worth gambling on a few of these... though past experience with chance packs tells me I’ll likely come away empty handed.


Rookie 1
Oh yeah, you know the odds are crap. I always get suckered into buying a couple BOB packs though. Got Hakeem on my 2nd attempt
Pulled Kyrie 2nd attempt as well. First time I have ever pulled a golden ticket. Don't know how I got him, my luck is trash


Pro 2
And.....EA has messed up the buzzer beaters AGAIN. Jermain O’Neal is a really good card, but his bb is 1-5 so far. Here we ####ing go again. This is infuriating. They obviously used the old broken coding from the 97 GTs, something they fixed with every bb card after that.

edit - only way I’ve been able to hit this bb is shooting it as a corner 3.
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All-Star 1
And.....EA has messed up the buzzer beaters AGAIN. Jermain O’Neal is a really good card, but his bb is 1-5 so far. Here we ####ing go again. This is infuriating. They obviously used the old broken coding from the 97 GTs, something they fixed with every bb card after that.

edit - only way I’ve been able to hit this bb is shooting it as a corner 3.
5 stars for EA!

Hey was that GT Durant a fake or is it real? I haven't spotted one anywhere


All-Star 1
That was my initial thought considering it was a screen of an AH claim.

I want Gasol and kinda have my eye on Drose & I'm done with GTs. Kinda depends on who the MVP winds up being.

How's Jermaine's gameplay


Rookie 1
And.....EA has messed up the buzzer beaters AGAIN. Jermain O’Neal is a really good card, but his bb is 1-5 so far. Here we ####ing go again. This is infuriating. They obviously used the old broken coding from the 97 GTs, something they fixed with every bb card after that

edit - only way I’ve been able to hit this bb is shooting it as a corner 3.
You have to make sure you set your feet. You shouldn't shoot it while running. He can make full courts


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Not sure what's funnier......that or both GT Shaqs being identical but designed by separate people....?
Yeah they moved them and Yao to shooting positions but kept their stats that are useless for anything but a PF or C


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