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NBALM Asia - Certified live events will return today


All-Star 3
Re: Certified live events will return today

Do u think it's possible to grind out the tokens in 2 weeks?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Certified live events will return today

Do u think it's possible to grind out the tokens in 2 weeks?

Nope using all your stamina on the events and including the half court shot live event bonus you'll need a minimum of 3 weeks


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Certified live events will return today

Do u think it's possible to grind out the tokens in 2 weeks?

Nope using all your stamina on the events and including the half court shot live event bonus you'll need a minimum of 3 weeks


Np hopefully the specific tokens are useable in the other sets otherwise it's impossible to get 450 tokens without tons of stamina purchased


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Certified live events will return today

I'm actually enjoying only a few people having a fan boost.... but I get the sense there will be some pay option when the event starts... that will be really bloody annoying but would be expected move from


Everlasting Assholes....


Rookie 2
Re: Certified live events will return today

I'm actually enjoying only a few people having a fan boost.... but I get the sense there will be some pay option when the event starts... that will be really bloody annoying but would be expected move from


Everlasting Assholes....

Me too.. It?s like having a good head start in a race.. I?m playing 20-30 matches a day so far and in the top 25 with Kuzma on my team. I expect it will be tougher as more users get Certified players as the week progresses. But if this pace continues it will be the easiest top 100 finish for me.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Certified live events will return today

Lucky you Chadaya lol. I?m without the boost this week and in top 150 just beating skill lacking players.. playing around the same amount of matches as you though..

JK Fun

Rookie 1
I agree this is the easiest SD to stay top 100, " with the bonus" only play 10 Sd matches a day, and i am in top 50, last SD i had to play 3x as many to finish top 15 overall , thinking this will all change very soon as it always does...


Rookie 1
Re: Certified live events will return today

No live events on Asia despite a 24 hour timer on the token set.

The timer is for Rahim plat tokens. Tomorrow the set will give plat tokens for the new player.

Also Certified live events are Friday & Saturday
F me...that's 5 wasted tokens.

Hope they make some exchange set or wildcards or something in the future.

The advice is not convert the elite tokens into plat tokens until have the 450 needed for a player.
To me it makes no sense to have platinum tokens if the live events only last two days and there?s nothing in the store all week. This seems poorly executed.


Rookie 2
To me it makes no sense to have platinum tokens if the live events only last two days and there?s nothing in the store all week. This seems poorly executed.

Yeah and what's the point of having different platinum tokens for each player if the requirements are still the same? It's just so inconvenient to users.


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