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NBA Players Reportedly Agree to TV Broadcast of All-Star Game Draft


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The NBA reached an agreement with the NBA Players Association to broadcast the 2019 All-Star draft, the New York Times' Marc Stein and Kevin Draper reported Wednesday.

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i dont think this is nba live mobile

EDIT: nvm lol but anyway someone is gonna be pissed

NHL has been doing televised All star drafting for years, but of course they have it done up where the last picked person gets a free car! I don't know if NBA will have a deal like that, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did (Hello, NBA sponsor KIA lol). I do feel like NBA players probably have larger egos than NHL players, but at the end of the day, whether picked first or last, you're still an All Star. It'd be a different thing if the Captains only had 12 players a piece to pick, but was from a pool of 30 instead of the usual 24 and not being picked meant you weren't an All Star that year. Now THAT would probably piss some folks off, but even then they're still millionaires and can wipe their tears with money.


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