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NBA PG suggestions


Rookie 1
Hey guys!

I need your suggestions. I have about 8.8mil and I currently have 99ovr Playoff Ben Simmons. My concern is I need a reliable PG who can steal the ball well and hit 3 pointers consistently. I'm leaning on Billups, Kyrie, Frazier, Holiday or Curry. But considering Curry since his AI seemed very aggressive offensively. Your thoughts guys?

Current LU:
PO Simmons - 99ovr
PO Mitchell - 98ovr (1 season away from Master Harden and 4 shards away from Titan Hayward)
Royalty Lebron - 100ovr
Legend Gasol - 97 ovr
PO Turner - 99ovr


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would go with Kyrie in that bunch Curry has some huge flaws with his horrible AI and the fact that he can't sprint


Rookie 1
Awesome! Thank you Stewie! I think he is also considerably cheaper than Curry like half the price.

We are talking about DS Kyrie. Right?


All-Star 3
I would suggest getting any of the Lillard cards... They give the best of both worlds..
One thing abt Simmons his ai is still better than the rest in the sense, it's tougher to steal the ball from him .. so if u play a lot of showdown and if ur not consistently putting up +12-15 margins with curry/Kyrie then the opponents will score easily on ur team..

@stewie which pg do u find tough to play agst other than magic...?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would suggest getting any of the Lillard cards... They give the best of both worlds..
One thing abt Simmons his ai is still better than the rest in the sense, it's tougher to steal the ball from him .. so if u play a lot of showdown and if ur not consistently putting up +12-15 margins with curry/Kyrie then the opponents will score easily on ur team..

@stewie which pg do u find tough to play agst other than magic...?

I don't find any PG that challenging but Kyrie's new and improved is better against me then the overrated AI of Simmons and Magic


All-Star 3
I would suggest getting any of the Lillard cards... They give the best of both worlds..
One thing abt Simmons his ai is still better than the rest in the sense, it's tougher to steal the ball from him .. so if u play a lot of showdown and if ur not consistently putting up +12-15 margins with curry/Kyrie then the opponents will score easily on ur team..

@stewie which pg do u find tough to play agst other than magic...?

I don't find any PG that challenging but Kyrie's new and improved is better against me then the overrated AI of Simmons and Magic
Ok.. generally agree with that.. I still find it tougher to steal from 91 ben and magic over the other pgs.. haven't seen much from Kyrie but don't come across him much in SD.. plus my ai scores are consistently better with Simmons or giannis or magic compared to baron or Nash or Steph.. hence the recommendation


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would suggest getting any of the Lillard cards... They give the best of both worlds..
One thing abt Simmons his ai is still better than the rest in the sense, it's tougher to steal the ball from him .. so if u play a lot of showdown and if ur not consistently putting up +12-15 margins with curry/Kyrie then the opponents will score easily on ur team..

@stewie which pg do u find tough to play agst other than magic...?

I don't find any PG that challenging but Kyrie's new and improved is better against me then the overrated AI of Simmons and Magic
Ok.. generally agree with that.. I still find it tougher to steal from 91 ben and magic over the other pgs.. haven't seen much from Kyrie but don't come across him much in SD.. plus my ai scores are consistently better with Simmons or giannis or magic compared to baron or Nash or Steph.. hence the recommendation

Well there are a lot of bad players in this game so it's easy for Simmons and Magic to **** people up but I've been playing long enough to know how to play them and shut them down while on defense and make it rain in their face on offense
I don't find any PG that challenging but Kyrie's new and improved is better against me then the overrated AI of Simmons and Magic
Ok.. generally agree with that.. I still find it tougher to steal from 91 ben and magic over the other pgs.. haven't seen much from Kyrie but don't come across him much in SD.. plus my ai scores are consistently better with Simmons or giannis or magic compared to baron or Nash or Steph.. hence the recommendation

Well there are a lot of bad players in this game so it's easy for Simmons and Magic to **** people up but I've been playing long enough to know how to play them and shut them down while on defense and make it rain in their face on offense

Yeah. It's easier for me to score with Finals Curry against Simmons now that I know the spots where he usually stay behind the 3 point line. Knowing the game is the key.

I would suggest Curry or Kyrie for the person asking


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