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NBA finals mastery campaign


Rookie 1
So I just started with the Dwayne Wade progression. Can you only do one players card progression at a time. I used my finals token on the Wade progression. Do I get it back when I complete it? It would be cool if you could do more than one player at a time. If you can how do you get more finals tokens? Thanks guys
Not sure if you played the MM promo but it’s like that, similar. You get one token first, get the player you want. You get more as you progress. Remember it’s a three week promo so you get plenty of time to complete more than one master
From the reddit guide:

"At Games 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the 2019 NBA Finals, you will receive a Historic Choice Token. In Sets, use this to choose which Historic Hero's NBA Finals story you would like to play."


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