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Mystery gift pulls


Rookie 1
I got mainly 90 illustrated players. One guy in our league pulled a Street 106 Durant, but that seems to be common based on the flooding in the AH.


Rookie 1
14 gifts, tokens only

but the sudden supply of KD and Kawhi makes it possible to picket up at good prices


Rookie 1
Any chance if we sit on these we may pull players from future campaigns?

Pulled 2 KD's w ability def and bal (sold the bal for 2m)
And pulled a def Kawhi w ability.

Still have 20 presents left which seem pointless to open atm


All-Star 1
I did the bulk set 3 times & pulled a KD without Clutch (what's that about?) And did the other set 9 times & got junk


Rookie 1
I had 68 tokens

I got 2 106 KD’s in the packs
And four 106 kawhis
One 106 curry!

Absolutely mad luck lol - to be honest I’ve spent so much, even the last week 7.5k green on these golden events and got nothing so about time, but 7 106s is crazy!!


All-Star 3
I had 68 tokens

I got 2 106 KD’s in the packs
And four 106 kawhis
One 106 curry!

Absolutely mad luck lol - to be honest I’ve spent so much, even the last week 7.5k green on these golden events and got nothing so about time, but 7 106s is crazy!!
That's amazing.. just curious .. did u spend to get keys?


Rookie 1
That's amazing.. just curious .. did u spend to get keys?

Yeah mate, got absolutely nothing from the keys though, spent around £50-70 $100 bucks - $120 if you’re not in London. That month, mixture of keys and other stuff. Not worth it, but I’m hooked lol


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