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My current NBA line advise needed please


Rookie 3
Buy 106 Ja to replace dragic if it still doesn't work you need to replace towns with 105 MJ since you use balance boost and already use yao as center (I actually want to recommend 106 Yao legend but there can't be two same players in the same position)
Who is a 105 mj full name?


Rookie 3
If you want to improve team overall general action is to start with your lowest overall which obviously your pg and c. If you replace both with at least 106, preferably with team boost cards, you are likely to get to 109. Agree also with recommendation - ja morant and/or magic johnson, or wait till new legend/fb drops.


Rookie 3
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I'm thinking of selling Vince Carter and picking up either Ray Allen which looks like he would be great for outside shooting or a 1 overall lower James harden will a clutch three any advice from folks that have owned all three cards?


Rookie 1
Both Harden and Allen are great shooters but AWFUL defenders.....if you can live with that go for it. I hate playing Harden in SD/LVL he always seems to find himself open or even when heavily contested still buries 3's.

I prefer Vince's D....he still hits a lot of 3's. (Also Double ITP but yours wouldn't have that).


All-Star 3
Both Harden and Allen are great shooters but AWFUL defenders.....if you can live with that go for it. I hate playing Harden in SD/LVL he always seems to find himself open or even when heavily contested still buries 3's.

I prefer Vince's D....he still hits a lot of 3's. (Also Double ITP but yours wouldn't have that).
Agree with this.. harden usually has decent ai.. but 108 vince does have too.. harden and ray are better 3 point shooters manually imo.
And weirdly I found ray to be better at defence than carter and harden (even on ai defence where Carter is horrible)


All-Star 1
Agree with this.. harden usually has decent ai.. but 108 vince does have too.. harden and ray are better 3 point shooters manually imo.
And weirdly I found ray to be better at defence than carter and harden (even on ai defence where Carter is horrible)
One thing is certain, Carter can’t guard himself...


Rookie 3
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So I'm thinking of putting Bob on the bench at 107 pg will that be enough to bump me to a 109 overall? Also I know Bob is probably not as good of a player as Baylor. or should I wait until this promo is over since Bob is going for around 1.2 1.3 million right now will lower after this campaign? Or should I be more focused on getting a PG with a 3 clutch at 106?
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All-Star 1
Marbury has pretty good AI. Not a huge fan of Cousy and he's short. Nah for Simmons. I'd stick with Baylor rather than switch to any of those cards


Rookie 3
Marbury has pretty good AI. Not a huge fan of Cousy and he's short. Nah for Simmons. I'd stick with Baylor rather than switch to any of those cards
I was trying to upgrade from 106 to 107 so I can get my overall bumped up that's why I was asking


All-Star 1
Personally, I’d go with Cousy just for the team boost. He can be on your bench until you hit 109 and trying for 110. So far his AI has been decent in SD matches I’ve played against him. Can’t speak for manual play.


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