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My banning


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Unfortunately I was banned for a week from GG because Legend found the slightest thing to give me a SEVERE inappropriate content warning. It happened during a discussion he started about him deleting the thread for this site because it potentially hurt the numbers for his new secret site he's making. They don't want people to advertise about a way to stay together despite the forum closing because it hurts the potential ad revenue for Curse and he even states that advertising in PMs isn't allowed which is what we did leading me to believe they can snoop on us in our PRIVATE messages. He gave the excuse that people report PMs but no one that was PM'd had an issue with it according to their response. They have a vendetta against me and any other highly active member that won't bow down to them and treat them like the gods they pretend to be. Fortunately this site will NEVER be run like that, so you never have to worry about that and that's a fact.


Rookie 3
Staff member
They don't want whats best for anyone other than themselves, similar to most of the world really. It's disgusting.

You can send Pm's by going to the top right hand side of the quick links tab, it's the second box next to notifications.

Glad to see more faces here.



Rookie 1
While the other mods may not be paid for their efforts, they still receive the GameChangers perks, like free cards and such.
Legend himself is probably a paid employee of somebody.
Don't know the company he works for, but he is clearly in the Forum Building business.
He's working on a new one to replace the Curse one, and I'm thinking he's in talks with EA on adding "official" perks to that site, like a DB.

The more official he can make it, the better chance he has of getting ad revenue.
He'll prevent anyone from promoting their external sites, because they'll only do damage to his motives.

Unfortunately, he's banking on the fact that his "official" site will draw people in over our site, which has reputable members promoting it.
Reputation goes a long way, and he knows that. So he'll prevent us from promotion, and when his site is ready and has collaborated with EA, he'll simply promote it on his other site, MutHead.

The goal is to herd people over to MutHead, then move them to his site.
That's my honest opinion.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
While the other mods may not be paid for their efforts, they still receive the GameChangers perks, like free cards and such.
Legend himself is probably a paid employee of somebody.
Don't know the company he works for, but he is clearly in the Forum Building business.
He's working on a new one to replace the Curse one, and I'm thinking he's in talks with EA on adding "official" perks to that site, like a DB.

The more official he can make it, the better chance he has of getting ad revenue.
He'll prevent anyone from promoting their external sites, because they'll only do damage to his motives.

Unfortunately, he's banking on the fact that his "official" site will draw people in over our site, which has reputable members promoting it.
Reputation goes a long way, and he knows that. So he'll prevent us from promotion, and when his site is ready and has collaborated with EA, he'll simply promote it on his other site, MutHead.

The goal is to herd people over to MutHead, then move them to his site.
That's my honest opinion.

Agreed and I guess that will be the next advertising move get people that go over to MH to come here and having a fan made database of players next to an official one shouldn't be that hard because it's been done very well before he knows nothing about this game which will always cripple him even with an endorsement by Curse/Twitch or EA he would still be someone running a forum for a game he doesn't play and he would still neglect it to be on MH and all the same laziness would apply there that it does on MH along with his lying, refusal to be anything less then right, and his smart ass comments after he disciplines someone knowing that they can't respond back because the thread was locked/deleted or the person was banned


Rookie 2
They?ve already advertise the merging of accounts from GG to MH one in which me and my league mates don?t plan on doing.

Thank you for this alternative which I prefer over any EA -puppet forums and mods like legend and some of the orher mods at GG. Never joining MH.

To the admin?
I would like to ask permission to invite my league mates over to this site if that?s alright with y?all. And Aramwot thank you for the Invite you sent.


Rookie 3
Staff member
They?ve already advertise the merging of accounts from GG to MH one in which me and my league mates don?t plan on doing.

Thank you for this alternative which I prefer over any EA -puppet forums and mods like legend and some of the orher mods at GG. Never joining MH.

To the admin?
I would like to ask permission to invite my league mates over to this site if that?s alright with y?all. And Aramwot thank you for the Invite you sent.

You are welcome Chadaya,

Absolutely man, we want the community to grow and a place that we can all share our thoughts & info freely.

Invite any friends/league mates you can.


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