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Money achievement for free dollars

I am trying to do some achievements to earn free money, and there is one that says collect 5 ultra players, and a second that says have 5 ultra players starting on your lineup...
the second wants to collect 10 players and 9. But the thing is that i collected these 9 players without even know it, I did as I was playing the game. Know I want the 250 dollars that this achievement is giving as a prize, and I have 9 players and need only one more. The thing is that I don't know which players are called ultra, so I can find one more and also make the second that is asking 5 ultra players starting on your lineup. can you help me, telling me which players are those???


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
All 90-99 overall cards are ultra cards it's a tier system

50-59 are bronze tier
60-69 are silver tier
70-79 are gold tier
80-89 are elite tier
90-99 are ultra tier
100-109 are royal tier
110-115 are super tier

This goes for base overall not adjusted after boosts from your lineup so an 89 overall boosted to 93 in your lineup won't count because a card can not change tiers unless it's an upgradable card which they don't have this year but the playoff masters might change that but I think they'll just have sets to exchange our 86 masters and turn them directly into the resulting overall


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