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Maxed Oscar stats


Rookie 1
Guys how many tokens do I need to max him? I have Vanvleet but his AI (as he is a midget) isn’t great! Oscar AI much better I find - 107 OVR, just think the pg Is so important to my play and never had a ‘tall one’
Many thanks


All-Star 3
Guys how many tokens do I need to max him? I have Vanvleet but his AI (as he is a midget) isn’t great! Oscar AI much better I find - 107 OVR, just think the pg Is so important to my play and never had a ‘tall one’
Many thanks
Very costly.. I think u can get tokens for abt 30k .. if u spend a lot of time sniping then u can get between 11-25k but that takes a lot of time.
Very costly.. I think u can get tokens for abt 30k .. if u spend a lot of time sniping then u can get between 11-25k but that takes a lot of time.
I usually wait until I can get them for 10k. My strategy has been to hoard records and bside tokens between player releases then as soon as a player is released sell them for 40k. Eventually the prices will fall and you can get them for 10k or less then I buy what I need.


All-Star 3
I usually wait until I can get them for 10k. My strategy has been to hoard records and bside tokens between player releases then as soon as a player is released sell them for 40k. Eventually the prices will fall and you can get them for 10k or less then I buy what I need.
ya should have been hoarding them.. been selling them continuously for 15-20k.. got oscar to 104 but the last two levels will wait


Rookie 1
are his training tokens available in the AH?

what should I search? some downtime now...might as well go shop and try to level this guy also


Pro 2
I have this card and it sits as startIng pg on balanced lineup. But, I played a lot of SD today with balanced lineup for the large boosts on fans and rep rep points. And it’s a really really good playing card. Fast, great 3 shot, good D. One of the best pg cards we have. Ate Westbrook and VanVleet alive.


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