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Max Price Caps List


Rookie 1
This is a list I came up with.
The prices are based off the highest bid price in the ah that was listed.
The price list is subject to change.
If you see a card that sold/posted that has a higher bid, comment the bid price.

Max Price Caps (For Selling Cards)

70ovr= 4k buy
71ovr= 4.2k buy
72ovr= 4.5k buy
73ovr= 4.8k buy
74ovr= 4.9k buy
75ovr= 25k buy
76ovr= 30k buy
77ovr= 33k buy
78ovr= 36k buy
79ovr= 39k buy
80ovr= 249k buy
{80ovr max is 294k buy - results in the highest bot relisting,not recommended}

These are the highest prices which you can post your card, whether they sell is a hit or miss.


All-Star 1
Re: Max Price Caps

Thanks for the list! Super helpful

Although I can't figure out how these min/max caps are going to work going forward...... How are we supposed to gain enough coins to buy anything over 80? Or get ppl to buy them if we have cards over 80 that we want to get rid of? This whole deal makes zero sense to me. It'll take me another week to get enough (hopefully) to buy just a base elite


Rookie 3
Re: Max Price Caps

i suspect this is a short term thing, long term, this is completely unsustainable, especially as the most rookies are unauctionable, but i dont really understand the reasoning behind the rookies though
It's impossible for me to sell my 80 Hayward right now, Ive put him a drop over 200K for the last 3 days and no one will buy him. It just kills the game to not be able to sell a player that people actually want because you have to put it so high for it to be on the AH


Pro 1
I've seen 79s for 41k in the AH.

I'm yet to attempt to sell one of these though so no info if that's a recommended price or not. .


Rookie 1
Here you go

70: 4400
71: 4700
72: 5000
73: 5300
74: 5600
75: 28,000
76: 31,000
77: 34,000
79: 40,000
80: 316,000

Edit: And since someone mentioned coaches

Bronze Coach: 14,000
Silver Coach: 20,000
Gold Coach: 94,000


Rookie 1
Here you go

70: 4400
71: 4700
72: 5000
73: 5300
74: 5600
75: 28,000
76: 31,000
77: 34,000
79: 40,000
80: 316,000

Edit: And since someone mentioned coaches

Bronze Coach: 14,000
Silver Coach: 20,000
Gold Coach: 94,000

Those arent correct because youre listing what the bots BIN price is which is irrelevant since only the bots bid price is valid.


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