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Master Embid can now be leveled up to 82


Rookie 2

If you did the "Get Loose" event every this season you finally reached the 75th event today.
This means you can level up master Embid to 82 overall.
Cost is zero coins and 30 stamina.

Didn't someone say that it will be further upgradable down the road?
Lol so they didn't increase the ovr? That sucks! I was hoping they would to make him at the very least a bench player. I won't even bother getting him to 82. How much did he cost to level up?


Rookie 2
Leveling is free (except for the 30 stamina).
I too was disappointed it did not receive a boost


Pro 1
Lol so they didn't increase the ovr? That sucks! I was hoping they would to make him at the very least a bench player. I won't even bother getting him to 82. How much did he cost to level up?

Dude just wrote that it costs zero coins :p And it's a starter in my balanced line-up. Not too bad xD
I also have him starting in my balanced lineup. The only real alternative in the AH is either Tip-Off Howard or SD Capela.

I guess the next stage will be 83 to 89.
"I was hoping they would make him at least a bench player"
I would like to know what balanced centers the people who say this have...


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