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Lost duo token due to connection problem


Rookie 1
Just found out I had 2 extra duo bp’s (1 west + 1 east).

No idea how they ended up there but this means:
1) I’ll have a much more relaxed campaign from now on
2) Harden+RW are now in reach of a lot of players (assuming there isn’t something that steals back those duo bp’s from us)

Yes that's the purpose of that gift, to make it seems more possible to get the final duos. It's still required you to give your life for the campaign haha


All-Star 1
I crashed in a battle event today...basically got fouled and when my player was shooting the free throw the game crashed
Yep, same happened to me. Submitted a help ticket but it was same day they gave us all 2 battleground pts so not expecting anything.


Pro 1
Did anyone else crash in the loading screen of the 100-stamina eastern event today ?

I couldn't tell if it was connection issue, or sth else in my side or a bug making it a bad idea to try again.

edit: it worked fine now, so i guess it was an occasional issue just for me.
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Rookie 1
Did anyone else crash in the loading screen of the 100-stamina eastern event today ?

I couldn't tell if it was connection issue, or sth else in my side or a bug making it a bad idea to try again.

edit: it worked fine now, so i guess it was an occasional issue just for me.

I crashed like 5 times since this campaign started. Luckily it never happened on battlepoint match 😐😐 hope not when it's for Harden haha. I crashed the 100 game stamina a couple nights ago, but mid game. Said failed to connect to server.


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