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Live event question

Can somebody tell me have you always been able to run through shooting circles and get a successful attempt from a dunk or is this new? In previous seasons I would always try to shoot inside the circle but now you can run through the shooting zones and dunk even when they're not moving.


Pro 1
Can somebody tell me have you always been able to run through shooting circles and get a successful attempt from a dunk or is this new? In previous seasons I would always try to shoot inside the circle but now you can run through the shooting zones and dunk even when they're not moving.

It depends of the events. I recall doing this since a long time ago, maybe in s1. But not all events allow that.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes it works like that for the events where the marker pops up not for the ones where the marker is there the whole for instance the events where there are 5 markers up as soon as you start like the stamina event


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
the spring and dunk like in the [current elevate] live event has always worked, even S1 ;)

Ok that's what I thought but couldn't confirm it I did it by accident once and it worked and have been doing it ever since


Rookie 1
Yep it works on S1 tho we only have that drill if im not mistaken and if i remember correctly to be on the latter part of S1..


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