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List of Harvest cards


Pro 1
With 10 of each I think we have it all, but let me know if there's something missing or any inaccuracy

Pack Cards

75 DJ Augustin - Point Guard, Defensive
75 Ben McLemore - Shooting Guard, Defensive
76 Elfrid Payton - Point Guard, Shooting
76 Gorgui Dieng - Center, Balanced
77 Raymond Felton - Point Guard, Defensive
77 Greg Monron - Center, Shooting
78 JJ Barea - Point Guard, Balanced
78 Taj Gibson - Power Forward, Defensive
79 Jabari Parker - Power Forward, Defensive
79 Wayne Elligton - Shooting Guard, Shooting

80 Will Barton - Small Forward, Balanced
80 Tobias Harris - Power Forward, Shooting
81 Zach Lavine - Shooting Guard, Defensive
81 Bradley Beal - Shoting Guard, Balanced
82 Pau Gasol - Center, Defensive
83 John Wall - Point Guard, Balanced
84 Trevor Ariza - Small Forward, Shooting
85 Willy Cauley Stein - Center, Defensive
86 Serge Ibaka - Power Foward, Shooting
87 Tracy McGrady - Shooting Guard, Balanced
88 Chris Paul - Point Guard, Defensive, thanks X020179

Set Cards...
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