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List of bronzes that were basically hidden before


Pro 1
We are limited to 59ovr pulls in the packs and the <58 that were starter cards were basically not accessible before - but with the AH allowing bronzes now, we can see a lot of these players.

Most of these are barely known and a big share of these players didn't make the cut of final rosters at the start of the season, but there are still some exceptions that are underrated.

For those who didn't complete the 10 players of your team achievement, things got even easier now

Here's a list of those cards I've seen in the AH for the first time today.

Probably not going to be a relevant topic for many, but here's a mention these players :)

And if someone is checking this and is seeing other players, list them below as well and I'll update the list.

53 Jonathan Motley

54 Jonah Bolden
54 Abdel Nader

56 Alonzo Trier
56 Devon Hall
56 Derrick White
56 Lorrenzo Brown
56 Omer Asik
56 Kobi Simmons
56 Duncan Robinson
56 Wesley Iwundu
56 Melvin Frazier
56 Trevor Bluiett
56 Troy...
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All-Star 3
there are other derrick jones jr cards rt...?
man so sad to sefolosha drop so low.. the fall of that 60 win atlanta team all happened after his stabbing.. poor guy...
are there any rookies who dont have cards?


Pro 1
there are other derrick jones jr cards rt...?
man so sad to sefolosha drop so low.. the fall of that 60 win atlanta team all happened after his stabbing.. poor guy...
are there any rookies who dont have cards?

I think Derrick Jones Jr only has this bronze

And yeah, I wasn't even sure if Thabo had a contract anymore that I googled him once I found him in the AH. it seems he is returning Jazz's line-up soon.

Regarding rookies, it seems Nuggets' Jarred Vanderbilt isn't in the game.


Pro 1
Did everyone get a 57 silver today (Robert Williams)?

I got some silver coaches too

yeah I think they got us one of each style as reserve in case we didn't have any. And also some filler 69 cards that used be rare sights like Michael Porter Jr.

Btw, kinda like this Robert Williams whose ovr doesn't match the tier, I remember there was Matt Bonner in s1 that was bronze but had silver ovr. Was it released in a similar way?


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