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Lineups u have to reach


Rookie 3
You need to put Rondo and all of the Cosmic players of his overall in your lineup and train you had to do it to get the elite cards you have just do it again by training Markkanen, Capela, Rondo, Skal, Bamba, etc.

So just to confirm will I have to keep adding them back every new pack and training them I attached the screenshot just to confirm I did it correctly. And thank you for taking the time to help


  • Screenshot_20190716-203857_NBA Live.jpg
    Screenshot_20190716-203857_NBA Live.jpg
    255.4 KB · Views: 317


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So just to confirm will I have to keep adding them back every new pack and training them I attached the screenshot just to confirm I did it correctly. And thank you for taking the time to help
Yeah now just train them until the last pack pops up and then you can start working on getting the final requirements for a master


All-Star 1
It shows it on the constellation menus. There are two tiers of leveling for each pack. When you get a new set of cards you have to train 40 or 50 levels and a new constellation opens. Train another 40 or 50 and a new pack drops


All-Star 1
I needed to take out the gold Durant and train Anunoby a few levels to get the next pack.
Yeah, once you get the OVR requirement, I think you can just train any players (i.e. even slivers from the first lineup) to meet the 2nd criteria. Could save some tokens this way.


Rookie 3
Yeah, once you get the OVR requirement, I think you can just train any players (i.e. even slivers from the first lineup) to meet the 2nd criteria. Could save some tokens this way.
Are you sure I can train to silver players and still level Up


Rookie 3
what is written there man.....
What is written where I'm sorry I don't understand? Those attachments go back to me showing that I have the rent in 98 in the team over 90 and then the last attachment is admission still being locked I apologize if I'm missing something


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