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Lineups: themed or high overall?


Rookie 1
I quit the high overall and made a Raptors themed lineup as well as a vintage/old school lineup?

What do you prefer?

I am thinking of doing a high flyer lineup real soon!


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
If you want to play any competitive modes then overall is a must if not then do whatever you want


Rookie 1
I saw this video of steph curry saying that if he could create a lineup it would be this: Magic Johnson, Himself, Durant, Tim Duncan and Shaq. Since the game was super boring at the time I decided to creat that same lineup, but replace tim duncan with LeBron. I had Magic at PG, Durant at SG, Lebron at SF, Curry at PF, and Shaq at Center. Team was good and I remained a 103 overall, but the only problem was that I was getting out rebounded all the time.
My NBA lineup is highest OVR but my style lineups are based around older cards/cards I like. To be honest, I kind of like these filler 3v3 promos more than the main promos because I can play around customizing my street lineup with new nickname players as well as the lower OVR street cards (I was thrilled that Bobby Dandridge finally got an elite card!)

The only theme lineup I have is The Rooks which is made up of the gold legend cards.


Rookie 2
I have 4 main line ups for SDs, lvl and the usual promos. Mostly high overall as priority first, then the theme set by the nature of the coach or mascot.

These 4, only 1 line is 102. The remaining are 103 over.

Only the S, D and B line ups are vice versa for those specifically themed SD days, so they are weaker and more vulnerable in terms of losing by loopsided SD match ups.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I have 4 main line ups for SDs, lvl and the usual promos. Mostly high overall as priority first, then the theme set by the nature of the coach or mascot.

These 4, only 1 line is 102. The remaining are 103 over.

Only the S, D and B line ups are vice versa for those specifically themed SD days, so they are weaker and more vulnerable in terms of losing by loopsided SD match ups.
I have both my teams set up like this
104 AI with all my best AI players (AI lineups are determined by the first listed highest overall lineup)
104 manual with my players I like to play with
104 SD with fan boosts or promo points boosts
95/96 live events lineups strictly for XP boosts (until I hit level 100)

I suggest that same type of lineup list for everyone in case they need it


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Both Sir, if possible..
Doesn't happen often but currently my AI and manual lineups are the same for each respective team so luckily I only have to upload 1 pic of each team since I'm not at 105 yet (don't feel like spending the coun for it since I'll likely reach it next Monday) that's when I start to add boost cards because I'd rather be low tier 104 with extra boosts than high tier 104 without them




All-Star 1
I have both my teams set up like this
104 AI with all my best AI players (AI lineups are determined by the first listed highest overall lineup)
104 manual with my players I like to play with
104 SD with fan boosts or promo points boosts
95/96 live events lineups strictly for XP boosts (until I hit level 100)

I suggest that same type of lineup list for everyone in case they need it
I should probably know this but is the first lineup listed the one that always plays your opponet in lvl but you can you choose a different lineup to play your manual drives? So in your case for lvl matches you put your AI lineup in slot 1 and your manual in slot 2 and play your manual drives from slot 2 while your AI lineup plays the opponent from slot 1?

I usually leave my AI lineup as the default and if I want to switch any players for my manual drives then I just change it before playing and then put it back after if someone hasn't played me yet. Of course, this exposes my manual lineup for 10 min or so but I just never put enough thought into managing it this way. Definitely a better way to go so just want to confirm I've got it correct?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I should probably know this but is the first lineup listed the one that always plays your opponet in lvl but you can you choose a different lineup to play your manual drives? So in your case for lvl matches you put your AI lineup in slot 1 and your manual in slot 2 and play your manual drives from slot 2 while your AI lineup plays the opponent from slot 1?

I usually leave my AI lineup as the default and if I want to switch any players for my manual drives then I just change it before playing and then put it back after if someone hasn't played me yet. Of course, this exposes my manual lineup for 10 min or so but I just never put enough thought into managing it this way. Definitely a better way to go so just want to confirm I've got it correct?
Yes the 1st slot is your AI lineup as long as it's at least tied for the highest overall on your franchise because the AI lineup defaults to the highest overall in the lowest numbered slot so if you have a 103 #1 slot, 104 #2 slot, and 105 #3 slot your AI (and viewable by other players) lineup will be the 105 lineup and yeah I use the #2 slot as my manual lineup

Another thing to add is that I use a boost just as my road jersey for my AI lineup because when someone plays you or even views your team they only see your home jersey and for my manual lineup is use a boost jersey as my home jersey and the one I like to wear (Bulls city) as my road jersey because in LvL you are always the road team but for SD you use home jersey (and court) if you're at least 1 overall higher but if you're tied or the lower overall you use your road jersey


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