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Lineup Improvements


Rookie 1
I've played season 3 for about a month and its been fun grinding for players, but what's not fun is deciding what players to put in the lineup so I came to you guys. If you guys have any suggestions let me know. Im looking to improve the bench and maybe both PF's and SG's but I'm on a budget of a bout 1 million.


Rookie 3
You can get balanced Klay for about 300K, which is an improvement over Korver. Or you could try to buy 107 Gervin for cheap. If you get either for around that, you could buy Bird with boost and clutch for about 650-700K.

Or you could try to snipe 108 Klay. I've seen him get sold for as low as 400K. I've also seen 107 West with boost and BB go for less than 400K.

For about 800-900K you can easily get two great 107 players and sell Porzingis and Wade. You might have to wait a long time before Wade gets sold though.. Took me three weeks.


Rookie 1
For SG 107 CJ/Klay/Ray even you can get 107 with ability/boost like west or gervin, then you can bench korver and auction you wade.
And for PF 108 Zion, then auction you porzingis.

You can grab both about spend 1 million.


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