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Legends discontinued?

I've said this many, many times already on other threads. New legends will be released when the current sets expire. So it's every month now, not every Saturday.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Do you know if they will use the same legend tokens that were used on these previous legend players or they will make new ones for the revamped version?
Yes they will use the same tokens they aren't getting revamped that happened a month ago already it's not gonna happen again they'll just make new legends


Pro 2
Giving us the same 4 legend players again was either a mistake or an early gift. I’ll have the tokens to claim three in next 3 days. That is a nice leg up on next Legend Master in 6 weeks. The legend cards no longer have value as cards, they are only a means to getting the Master. The next set is likely 102s at most.


Rookie 1
I've got enough tokens to get 4 legends.....should I go ahead and grab these ones knowing they have no resaleable value....other than the fact I would have 4 of the required 10 to getting a legend master?

If they are only going to drop 4 a month, it might be the best plan vs waiting, grabbing the rumoured 4 - 104's which I could sell for max coins, but still only be 40% of the way to a legend master and having no options to get closer for another month.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I've got enough tokens to get 4 legends.....should I go ahead and grab these ones knowing they have no resaleable value....other than the fact I would have 4 of the required 10 to getting a legend master?

If they are only going to drop 4 a month, it might be the best plan vs waiting, grabbing the rumoured 4 - 104's which I could sell for max coins, but still only be 40% of the way to a legend master and having no options to get closer for another month.
Unless you buy legends packs not having new options for a month wouldn't matter because it takes 1 1/2 months to get 1 master token


Rookie 3
Nice. Almost close in getting my 3rd ultimate legend token so probably will be able to get Yao by mid-season 4.
Gosh darn it! Right when im almost done with Embiid and Magic!🤔🤔🤔 I guess ill be skipping getting Yao and save up my tokens for the next player.


Rookie 1
That Yao tho, I had a 97 OVR and I loved his gameplay. Throw in Porzingis and that was the best rim defending duo I ever played with.


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