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Leaked Flashback elite cards


Rookie 1
New Flashback Players

This should be a tread where you are able to post any new flashback players with screenshots (if you can) or just new news of who?s the upcoming flashback player.

For this week, I am sure 95 lamarcus Aldridge is the flashback, then I saw a 95 Kyle Korver SG with 3pt boost, and a 96 Dwight Howard C with amazing stats.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New Flashback Players

This should be a tread where you are able to post any new flashback players with screenshots (if you can) or just new news of who?s the upcoming flashback player.

For this week, I am sure 95 lamarcus Aldridge is the flashback, then I saw a 95 Kyle Korver SG with 3pt boost, and a 96 Dwight Howard C with amazing stats.

There is a thread about the next 4 FB players and the next one is 94 Pau Gasol I'm merging this with said thread


Rookie 3
I?m gonna expect that those 95/96 fb cards with amazing stats/boost won?t be available in sets until average grinders are already at 98/99ovr.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Korver comes next week (his picture was added) then Aldridge then Howard and since 5 came out last week maybe Howard is the last FB player we get similar to the one where they added cards to a program they were ending soon a few weeks before they ended it

Korver and Aldridge got their pictures at the same time so that ruined this theory but my guess is that we get the one that is less likely to be wanted in Aldridge while they draw out Korver even longer making his overall even less useful for a lot of people


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