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League Tokens

350 tokens wasted and only beans 😞
I felt like shit after wasting 70 tokens but this made me feel just bad for you. Then I checked Telegram and someone from our league got him on the 1st try and he had double the tokens I did. That made me feel terrible again lol.


Pro 1
I felt like shit after wasting 70 tokens but this made me feel just bad for you. Then I checked Telegram and someone from our league got him on the 1st try and he had double the tokens I did. That made me feel terrible again lol.
Already went up to ~500 spent tokens and no Kemp (just beans).
Getting back some 200 tokens in 1h so... in 1h the count may have risen yet again 😞


Pro 1
So everyone in this forum got it under 30 tries except me, still trying to get it after 70+ tries.

Could the game be rigged? I mean, what are the chances of NOT getting it after 70 tries?


Rookie 1
Damn wtf. Hope you pull it, you deseve it. what are the odds

Edit: looks like the odds of you not pulling kemp in 70 tries is like 2 percent.


Pro 1
100+ tries and still nothing. Giving up: I'm probably glitched or something. I should have at least 5 Kemps by now.

A Anatdoc Got 4 extra bunny tokens. Not sure if it's enough. Anyway, not very keen on spending 10M (on the low side, considering league tokens at 5k) to get a KD or something.

betaman411 betaman411 screw you man haha... you're just pissed about not getting max Lillard and that thing from earlier in the season (Tip-off maybe?)


All-Star 1
100+ tries and still nothing. Giving up: I'm probably glitched or something. I should have at least 5 Kemps by now.

A Anatdoc Got 4 extra bunny tokens. Not sure if it's enough. Anyway, not very keen on spending 10M (on the low side, considering league tokens at 5k) to get a KD or something.

betaman411 betaman411 screw you man haha... you're just pissed about not getting max Lillard and that thing from earlier in the season (Tip-off maybe?)
Definitely pissed about Lillard but that 102 version they released was my revenge! Haha


Rookie 1
I'm still broke on my 2 alt accounts. :( Kinda hesitant with my 2 main accounts coz I already have decent PF on my line-up.


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