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League token


Rookie 3
Just curious about yout plan on your league tokens. Are you hoarding them for possible better exchange in future promos (my assumption is that the reward will be different for each promo) or exchanging them now for 25k+ coins which i think not a bad deal. Though i only have half a million in my bank, i am currently keeping them as i don?t feel a need yet for coins and thinking they might be more useful in future promos.


All-Star 3
Was thinking abt this too..
Did the risk and played the set 5 times.s. 35k for all.. pretty waste of tokens if u get promo related tokens or players at a later date..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm saving them after doing it once on both accounts but yeah they will be adapted to each promo since the current pack from the set is specific to this promo in the store right now
I have been exchanging them. I?ve gotten the 100k token four times, which means I?ve actually profited from the promo despite buying the coin packs.
I have been exchanging them. I?ve gotten the 100k token four times, which means I?ve actually profited from the promo despite buying the coin packs.
My leaguemate pulled a 250k. Im saving mine for the next promo only because i kept getting 35k which i dont need. Its risky though, rewards could get worse than guaranteed coins.


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