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Kobe Bryant


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You have to stop spamming posts you made 12 in the span of less than 20 minutes that being said...

No there will not be a Kobe card because they don't have the rights to use him likeness


Rookie 2
EA wouldn't pay for the rights esp if these retired stars still demand a higher premium to use their likeness and image rights.


Rookie 1
EA can't afford or in business point of view will not be able to "regain" the rights bought to include both MJ and KB in the game.


Rookie 2
I have noticed that the retired stars between the 50s to the 70s are amenable on licensing their image rights to video games & merch..and so are the more recent ones like Steve Nash, Dirk, Shaq, Paul Pierce, KG etc.

Its just a handful of elite stars that roll off the tongue who have refused or in which EA decided not to plunge in to deep negotiations like Kobe & MJ.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I have noticed that the retired stars between the 50s to the 70s are amenable on licensing their image rights to video games & merch..and so are the more recent ones like Steve Nash, Dirk, Shaq, Paul Pierce, KG etc.

Its just a handful of elite stars that roll off the tongue who have refused or in which EA decided not to plunge in to deep negotiations like Kobe & MJ.
Most non-union (retired) players are in a pool for rights so they all sign as a group wether dead or alive notable exceptions from that pool are Jordan (signed 2k contract in 2010), Barkley, Reggie Miller, Kobe, and Kareem


Rookie 2
Most non-union (retired) players are in a pool for rights so they all sign as a group wether dead or alive notable exceptions from that pool are Jordan (signed 2k contract in 2010), Barkley, Reggie Miller, Kobe, and Kareem

Oh that is helpful. Thanks for clarifying...that makes sense to me now. :)


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