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Klay or Oladipo?


All-Star 1
I would advise against buying any players until the AH changes are in effect on 11/2.

I haven?t seen any appreciable difference between Sprewell, Oladipo, Mitchell or Klay for what it?s worth.
Klay is an excellent defender. I have been really impressed with his defense. Hoffman and his team did a fanstisrkc job with these free cards.


All-Star 1
Klay is an excellent defender. I have been really impressed with his defense. Hoffman and his team did a fanstisrkc job with these free cards.

I found Sprewell to be a better defender but had to give up too much offense. Klay is probably the best all around card at SG right now.
Klay is an excellent defender. I have been really impressed with his defense. Hoffman and his team did a fanstisrkc job with these free cards.

I found Sprewell to be a better defender but had to give up too much offense. Klay is probably the best all around card at SG right now.
I haven't found a difference between Sprewell & Klay. I'm starting to think players at the same position, at the same ovr, and with similar primary stats play the same. So all 84 SGs with similar primary stats play exactly the same. I doubt EA tweaks gameplay based on minute differences in stats. As an example I played 6 showdown games with Sprewell and 6 with Klay and didn't notice any difference in gameplay. Margins remained the same, shot attempts relative to shots made was the same, and defense was the same. The only difference I noticed between the 2 was that Klay was slow as molasses.

In regards to Kay vs Oladipo, definitely Klay.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Klay was free and is playing great for me (I planned on benching him behind 83 Harden which won't have a chance of happening for awhile) so I never so Oladipo as an option why way 360k+ for it when I have something that is just fine already


All-Star 3
Underrated SG is 83 RIP.. I find him much better than spreewell defensively and offensively.. klay is slightly more reliable on both fronts.. but can get streaky..


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