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June Monthly Masters are Laimbeer and Griffin


Rookie 2
If I were to rank all the monthly master campaigns this year, it would be :
1. Splash Brothers
2. Friend or foe
3. Magic Johnson
4.Hakeem vs Ewing
5. Larry Bird
Just my opinion


Pro 2
If I were to rank all the monthly master campaigns this year, it would be :
1. Splash Brothers
2. Friend or foe
3. Magic Johnson
4.Hakeem vs Ewing
5. Larry Bird
Just my opinion

the thing about Bird was the boost (If you took the SS version). Until today he was Still sitting on the bench of a 105 lineup.

Splash Bothers and Friend or Foe are 1 and 2 imo too.


All-Star 1
the thing about Bird was the boost (If you took the SS version). Until today he was Still sitting on the bench of a 105 lineup.

Splash Bothers and Friend or Foe are 1 and 2 imo too.
I've been using Bird AND Hakeem on my bench. Wish you could upgrade the SS Bird


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Does anyone know if 103 Bird boosts to 104 I'm trying to decide between 103 Bird and 104 Zion


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
He does boost up to 104 very easy but with a lot of boost Zion boost up to 105 so... your choice
Welp guess I'll take Bird then thanks plus the +4 steal to team even as starter will probably have more effect to team overall than that crappy boosts Zion has that doesn't even affect him


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