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Is training Harden worth it?


Rookie 2
I have my Harden that we worked half the season for up to a 99. The next level up is near 3 million TPs but I see the stats are a little different, most notably you gain +2 in 3 pointers.

My Harden has been missing a bunch of 3s lately and I am wondering if it is worth spending the TPs on him or leaving him as is to train other players who I have at 95-98 who take lower TPs to get my overall up. Currently at 98.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How many coins do you have? Do you plan on training platinums (high TP and coin cost to train) or are you sticking with elites?


All-Star 3
Training harden will not improve ur 3 shooting by much.. but his ai will improve if u care abt ai performance...
If ur trying to raise ur ovr, best is to sell the 95 platinums now(as their going at a good rate now) and replace them with 94/93 ovr players with boosts as they can be trained to 99/100 for much cheaper than training a 95 to 100
I had a similar problem and had him trained to the same level but started missing like crazy so instead of training him further I replaced him with a much better SG and moved him to the bench. I then used the 2.7mil TPs I would have used to train Harden to train Ginobli to 104 and haven't regretted the move even though I lose Hardens clutch.


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