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Is this the FINAL SET for the Black Friday Tokens?


Rookie 1
Unless they change their minds again or another maintenance comes around, it doesn't seems set will rotate. The timer goes for 4 days.

What I don't get is why the sets and the campaing don't have the same final date, again.


Rookie 1
Or, got it. You should grind BF tickets for 3 days and buy the rest if you need them. Gonna do some math now if another 90 ovr is grindable.


Rookie 1
Too bad they removed the Legends token set. I'm curious as to why they left some 90 OVRS but removed everyone else.
These sets....are rough. No way they picked them based on high popularity....the gold next gen made the cut??? Really? I mean it?s good if you just started the game a week ago, I guess.


Rookie 1
Too bad they removed the Legends token set. I'm curious as to why they left some 90 OVRS but removed everyone else.

They realized it's way too good deal as many of us has pulled legends from the packs :lol:
No luck for me tho in 3 attempts

Will grind tickets till the end and see if they have any mercy to bring the set back
If not, seems like the legend player set is the only best thing to do
300 tokens should be doable


Rookie 3
Hope this is the final set and the final date as the waiting and guessing is already tiring. Overall this is a good promo for f2p even though i didn't get the masters that i want due to constant changes.
Hope this is the final set and the final date as the waiting and guessing is already tiring. Overall this is a good promo for f2p even though i didn't get the masters that i want due to constant changes.

I'm holding out "long shot" hope that they see how bad the numbers are with these sets and make some emergency changes for more desirable ones :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do agree, it's a great promo. I just saw someone saying this promo was too grindable, lol. Like, come on. Sure, I could see it being "too easy" if you were in the group of folks that caught the unlimited tickets pack. Sure, it's easy then if you were able to drop a couple mil on tickets on top of grinding. I've seen someone that spent so much on tickets when it was unlimited that they have like 3 90s on top of Duncan, Tumbo and Curry!
Too bad they removed the Legends token set. I'm curious as to why they left some 90 OVRS but removed everyone else.

They realized it's way too good deal as many of us has pulled legends from the packs :lol:
No luck for me tho in 3 attempts

Will grind tickets till the end and see if they have any mercy to bring the set back
If not, seems like the legend player set is the only best thing to do
300 tokens should be doable
Lol its like they selectively chose to keep sets that weren't so popular. I think I'll go for 2 cornucopia packs instead of the 1 legend at this point. Someone from EA definitely noticed what we were doing and nipped it in the bud quick! They must have looked at the data and noticed people making coins and stacking up wildcards, either that or simply read the forum.


Rookie 1
Think this is final.. but never know with EA.
looking back.. was duncan grindable...?

Hindsight being 20/20 yes he was! I'm kinda mad at myself for not continuing the grind.

I'm mad too, but not at myself. All we could do was work with the best information we had available. How were we to know EA was going to release a food set for BF tickets, then extend the promo by 5 days? We made the only rational choice, which was to abandon Duncan when it was clear we didn't have enough time to get him.

Honestly this promo left a sour taste in my mouth. I spent a bunch of money at the beginning trying to get a head start, but it wasn't enough to complete everything in EA's original time frame. Then they extended the time frame, but not by enough that I could complete Duncan without spending even more... no thanks.


Rookie 1
Unless they change their minds again or another maintenance comes around, it doesn't seems set will rotate. The timer goes for 4 days.

What I don't get is why the sets and the campaing don't have the same final date, again.

I asked Brian on Twitter why the campaign expires almost 2 days before the sets and he replied with, ?They are left up for anyone to finish any sets if they didnt have time.? So technically this BF promo is only extended until Saturday at 3:00 a.m. instead of ?Sunday? since there will be no other way to get BF tickets unless maybe if you buy them with cash from the store.


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