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Is this now the main forum?


Rookie 1
I found out about this today. I was part of nbalive.gg before it was shutdown and i didn't know that other forums exist. Most of the people here came from there?


Rookie 1
Yep Muthead has very little traffic tbh. I look at it occasionally and new topics and replies can be few and far between.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yep the best place to discuss this game is here because muthead is dead, Reddit is dead, and Facebook as always is just full of people trying to sell accounts and leagues so welcome


Rookie 3
Welcome, came from gg as well. This forum is as helpful as gg but more friendly even there are some disagreements among members (of course, no sense on community with always same thoughts). Enjoy.
Reddit used to be amazing S1, and it died really quick S2. This season it has been picking up a little. It helps that there are game changers on reddit that will respond to individual questions.

But overall this seems to be the best place for the nbalive community


Rookie 3
thanks to our great mods, this is a safe place to share, discuss, and most importantly vent!
you can even say mods suck (joking :p ) and you wont get suspended or banned :D


Rookie 3
Staff member

Welcome to the forum - good to have you here.

And yes, I guess you could say we are the main forum now.

Most of the members from GG are here.. unfortunately not everyone was lucky enough to find out at the right time as promotion of this place was censored.



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
thanks to our great mods, this is a safe place to share, discuss, and most importantly vent!
you can even say mods suck (joking :p ) and you wont get suspended or banned :D

Not immediately but if someone does something like that repeatedly and not be informative about it like "the mods suck at blank" then yeah they'll have to get dealt with in some manner lol


Rookie 1
Just joined, thanks to aramwot for letting the reddit group know about it. That?s how I learned about this place, excited to be a part of it.

Longtime nbalive.gg lurker (nice to see some old names on here), disappointed with muthead activity, Reddit group is good but needs a bit more action. I do recommend checking it out periodically, as it does have some good posts/discussion as well, and Asros responds directly to some comments from time to time.


Rookie 3
thanks to our great mods, this is a safe place to share, discuss, and most importantly vent!
you can even say mods suck (joking :p ) and you wont get suspended or banned :D

Not immediately but if someone does something like that repeatedly and not be informative about it like "the mods suck at blank" then yeah they'll have to get dealt with in some manner lol

josh?? is that you?? :D :D :D


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
thanks to our great mods, this is a safe place to share, discuss, and most importantly vent!
you can even say mods suck (joking :p ) and you wont get suspended or banned :D

Not immediately but if someone does something like that repeatedly and not be informative about it like "the mods suck at blank" then yeah they'll have to get dealt with in some manner lol

josh?? is that you?? :D :D :D

Lmao well they deserved a lot of that we're open to constructive criticism to improve but trolling especially repetitively doesn't help luckily we haven't had to do that with anyone who has made a post yet but a few months ago there was a username aimed at me that was created but I removed it immediately


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