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Is there enough time to get another GOTW Player???


Rookie 1
I currently have 4 GOTW ( elite ) tokens. I wonder if it's possible to get another GOTW Player by the end of this season. Also, do you think there're going to be 105 ovr players???


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Depends if they continue the program long enough for you to reach 25 tokens which I highly doubt because this year's (and sadly it's the same as next year's) dev team hates weakly programs they'd rather have us play promos every single day of the year
Great question... I am guessing there is only speculation available.

I have 41 GOTW tokens and could get at least 3 more before this week ends.

Should I just claim what I can now (103 Paul George could be my starting DEF lineup SF) or just sit wait and hope the intersection between the ovr of the gotw week players eventually reaches a point that it could help my main squad?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Great question... I am guessing there is only speculation available.

I have 41 GOTW tokens and could get at least 3 more before this week ends.

Should I just claim what I can now (103 Paul George could be my starting DEF lineup SF) or just sit wait and hope the intersection between the ovr of the gotw week players eventually reaches a point that it could help my main squad?
If you're considering keeping a 104 on your playstyle lineup then the overall of GOTW will never be high enough to help your main lineup


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