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Is there a trick to get the unauctionable bug corrected? 75 rookie unauctionable

I have two miles bridges 75 I can?t auction. Always says unauctionable, but I did get one to list a day or two ago.....which is weird, sometimes they say unauctionable then I try a few minutes later and get one to work.

Is there any trick to getting these auctionable? I mean I got 40k sitting here and can?t dump this sucks!!!


Rookie 3
after the thurs update, all seemed to be "auctionable" for a few hrs, but then some 8-10hrs after maintenance, they reverted back to "unauctionable"...

same as SD costing 20 stamina, now back (4 me @ least ) 2 40 stamina) again...
Funny thing is I have 3 accounts, just got a bridges75 listed under one and sold for 24k......yet I can?t get him listed under my other name... I?ve tried reinstalling game etc(FYI uninstall game and reinstall and you will probably get some ads to view and get stamina)


Pro 1
the game seems to treat an auctionable and the non-auctionable as different cards.

For example now I have three 63 OVR Kulboka, and if i go to the sell menu, there are two auctionable and grouped together (you see the x2) and the non-auctionable is separated from these.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
the game seems to treat an auctionable and the non-auctionable as different cards.

For example now I have three 63 OVR Kulboka, and if i go to the sell menu, there are two auctionable and grouped together (you see the x2) and the non-auctionable is separated from these.

Not always because I've had to stash one just to sell the other because an unauctionable stacked on top of an auctionable
Maybe it?s a certain day we obtained the card, and it was bugged that day? Who knows.... I know I sold a 75bridges for $24000 just 2 days ago, and I been trying to sell these other two for a week...ugh.


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