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Is the specialist program over?

It's in the "vault" section for sets, but there has been no announcement of it being over (not that there was for any other program honestly)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well there was an announcement on China that UL is over but I except there to be at least 5 more specialists so it could end on an even number if it's ending because right now there are 25 heroes and there are 2 for each category but there is only 1 for Dime Dropper so it would be stupid to have 12 categories with 1 NBA and 1 classic player then have only one for DD then again you can't spell nonsensical without and E and an A


Rookie 3
UL is done? 100%? [with EA there is never 100% :D :D :D]
i have 91 unopened UL packs... time 2 cook then if its finished
Royalty Lebron, specialist and UL are over. I think last season they did the same thing, putting finished programs on the vault. The useless tokens for this programs will have some utility in future sets. Probably.


Rookie 1
Royalty Lebron, specialist and UL are over. I think last season they did the same thing, putting finished programs on the vault. The useless tokens for this programs will have some utility in future sets. Probably.

Ultimate Legends promo confirmed? Jk.


Rookie 1
Lmao, I wouldn't be surprised if they recycled the whole promo, name and all. I'll be glad if I can clear up some space in my inventory, though.


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