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Is getting the king of the court boost item worth it?

So the king of the court boost item thing... it is a platinum boost item and it cost 12 tokens to get them. To get them, playing the campaign is the only way doing so. However I missed a day meaning I am currently one token short. Is it worth it getting it? Just wondering


Rookie 1
Depends on you I guess and your particular line up....it says up to +7 Speed and Off Reb boosts.....so likely match 1/3/5 with boosts of 1/5/7 respectively.

It would be the best available court for the star style line up, but as for overall NBA lineups I doubt most people would be running with 5 star players to capitalize on the boost.

Most people are likely using the platinum defensive boost.


Rookie 1
Probably not, you can get new boosts every week. If you have the cash and don't mind it go for it but you can get a new street boost next week.


Pro 2
There’s no street boost I think is worth spending coins on. Whatever you get through grinding, cool.


Rookie 1
if it does happen to be auctionable you might pick it up at a reasonable price if folks are dumping it.


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