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Is buying an elite coach worth it?

I've never had an elite coach, but i imagine having that Thibodeau is nice with the 5/5 matched players. +7 steal for all!! As far as buying one, I'd wait until the price drops. I've seen some for some bargain prices. I'd like to pay less than 100k for a coach....(I'm aware Thibodeau may never get under 100k lol)
You truly have to experiment with certain coaches. At one point, I had the gold Dantoni with 5/5 matched, with 79 OVR. Switched to gold Walton with 5/5 match and the block boost was enough to push my team to 80, but the on ball defense boost was not. Both boosts were +4, but had different impacts.

Similar thing happened today, decided to try out gold Lue, who has an agility boost.

Swapped Lue in for Walton and no change was made. Then I noticed Harden, who was on the 2nd bench, had a red arrow pointing down on him, so I swapped him with 80 Derozan who was on the 3rd bench. Switching Harden and Derozan, both rated 80 OVR, was enough to put my bench at 80 OVR but it was 79 before the coach change and player swap.


Rookie 1
I'm also have an 80 OVR lineup with D'antoni but planning to upgrade with Kerr or Snyder if it will make my team better in terms of gameplay? ;)


Rookie 2
If you're expecting your team to suddenly play like you want them to just cause of a coach change, you're about to be disappointed. Players >>>> coaches that may increase one of your cards OVR by 1.
If you're expecting your team to suddenly play like you want them to just cause of a coach change, you're about to be disappointed. Players >>>> coaches that may increase one of your cards OVR by 1.

I agree 1000%, I look for the coach as a possible enhancement


Rookie 1
Thanks for the feedback. I actually bought Kerr and you're right, i can't notice any difference except from the stats. I'll just hold him for now and good thing I can easily sell him anytime.


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