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Rookie 1
Do you guys think that investing in some of these international heros is a good idea? Ginobili for example is arguably one of the best SG right now and gives a +4 three point boost, yet he can be bought for like around 18 mil or less. I just have a feeling that later down the road when this promo ends he will be selling for +40 mil. What do you guys think ?


Rookie 1
If you snipe you can build him yourself right now for around $12m with a week to go on the promo, so expect prices to drop more. $40m, you're absolutely dreaming. In the next 2 months prices will drop, not rise, because EA will bribe us will free cards so we'll play on next year. Subsequently the AH crashes due to over supply. It did last year and I expect the same thing to happen. Google it from the second week of Sept 17 and see for yourself. But they're your coins, make you're own decisions.


All-Star 3
If you snipe you can build him yourself right now for around $12m with a week to go on the promo, so expect prices to drop more. $40m, you're absolutely dreaming. In the next 2 months prices will drop, not rise, because EA will bribe us will free cards so we'll play on next year. Subsequently the AH crashes due to over supply. It did last year and I expect the same thing to happen. Google it from the second week of Sept 17 and see for yourself. But they're your coins, make you're own decisions.

How low are u sniping the cards to get him for 12 mill?
5 platinums for 3 mill each is just abt manageable


Rookie 1
Make sure you buy your premiums from the right area for your master, you can't use Europe/Africa 95's if you're going for Manu. Best of luck


All-Star 3
Make sure you buy your premiums from the right area for your master, you can't use Europe/Africa 95's if you're going for Manu. Best of luck

Thanks for the tip .. realised that a few days back when I bought fox by mistake for the Africa set..


Rookie 1
I just completed Embiid and not sure if I should keep him or sell for profit.
btw you can have 2 Embiids in same lineup , I may just sell the dream showdown one and accept as profit


All-Star 1
I've got Embiid built for just over 8M (including a few extra elite snipes I'm using for Rahim). I found the elites to be a better value than trying to snipe Plats although it took 5 times as long. I'm still missing some FF tokens though as I'm not buying stamina and plan to keep him for a little while anyway. If I get my coins back after using him for a while that will be fine with me. Plus I think I'll dump Shaq as well since his bonus isn't great and the ITP doesn't help very much.


All-Star 1
I just completed Embiid and not sure if I should keep him or sell for profit.
btw you can have 2 Embiids in same lineup , I may just sell the dream showdown one and accept as profit
I haven't seen any bids on the +25M listings in AH1. He'd probably go for under 20M pretty quick. Hard to say if he'll be worth more after the promo since we are approaching that time of year when they start dumping higher OVR players and the AH prices crash. Keep us posted on whatever you decide.


Rookie 1
I just completed Embiid and not sure if I should keep him or sell for profit.
btw you can have 2 Embiids in same lineup , I may just sell the dream showdown one and accept as profit
I haven't seen any bids on the +25M listings in AH1. He'd probably go for under 20M pretty quick. Hard to say if he'll be worth more after the promo since we are approaching that time of year when they start dumping higher OVR players and the AH prices crash. Keep us posted on whatever you decide.

Yeah he's going for 20M now in my AH , I will keep him and just sell my 98 for around 8 mill I hope and it will be fine considering it cost me 9 mill to complete the set


All-Star 1
I just completed Embiid and not sure if I should keep him or sell for profit.
btw you can have 2 Embiids in same lineup , I may just sell the dream showdown one and accept as profit
I haven't seen any bids on the +25M listings in AH1. He'd probably go for under 20M pretty quick. Hard to say if he'll be worth more after the promo since we are approaching that time of year when they start dumping higher OVR players and the AH prices crash. Keep us posted on whatever you decide.

Yeah he's going for 20M now in my AH , I will keep him and just sell my 98 for around 8 mill I hope and it will be fine considering it cost me 9 mill to complete the set
Good plan. Wishing now I hadn't wasted my FF tokens on the elite set the first two days of the promo.
Make sure you buy your premiums from the right area for your master, you can't use Europe/Africa 95's if you're going for Manu. Best of luck

They've changed this since the last update, all international elites can be used in any set, it doesn't have to be the specific region.

Although having just reread what you wrote, I'm not sure if they've made the platinums the same or if you still need region specific platinums for Manu and Embiid, but definitely any elite can be used to build the 95-99 sets.


All-Star 3
Make sure you buy your premiums from the right area for your master, you can't use Europe/Africa 95's if you're going for Manu. Best of luck

They've changed this since the last update, all international elites can be used in any set, it doesn't have to be the specific region.

Although having just reread what you wrote, I'm not sure if they've made the platinums the same or if you still need region specific platinums for Manu and Embiid, but definitely any elite can be used to build the 95-99 sets.

Are u sure abt that.. ?. Had got fox when I was trying to complete the Africa platinum set.. and couldnt put him in the set.. don't know if its changed since then though...
Edit: checked it out. Ur right.. thanks
Just to make it clear..
1. U can use ANY elite in the 95+platinum set
2. U can use ANY flag in the master set
3. U need SPECIFIC flags in the 95+platinum sets
4. U need SPECIFIC elites in the master set


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