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International dikembe ?


Rookie 1
Did anyone got him?Is he good?Stats look the same with the ul mutombo.Is he worth buying when prices drop more?


All-Star 1
Yeah, looks similar to his UL, +1 to those stats, but when I looked earlier he was going for over 5 mil. I'd pay 3 mil but if you've got coin to spare, I think he's a great Center.


Rookie 1
Forgot to ask about the new 102 kuzma has anybody bought him?I had 99 sd lebron for a long time and hoped i would replace him with a new 102 international card but ea doesnt want too.Is kuzma worht buying for around 30 mil .I saw one bidding for 22.5.


All-Star 1
If you're gonna spend that on Kuzma, why not get 99 McHale or Love for under 10 & use the rest for another player upgrade? Or you could max train one of them & still prob have spent less $. I don't think Kuzmas stats are amazing enough to spend 30 mil but McHale would be a beast maxed out...defensively & long range w similar rebound. Same with Love. Idk what's gonna happen to the market but we're nearing the end of season & I'm wary of spending that much on a player bc I Doubt I'll get that kinda $ back if I sell down the line


Rookie 1
lion23 said:
Forgot to ask about the new 102 kuzma has anybody bought him?I had 99 sd lebron for a long time and hoped i would replace him with a new 102 international card but ea doesnt want too.Is kuzma worht buying for around 30 mil .I saw one bidding for 22.5.

There is one in my auction house for 22.6 with 4 minutes left. I'm willing to place a 25 mil bid at most and see if I can get him for that price. Tbh, I want him because his card art is nice and He'll make my team look sexy lol, but if he sucks ass I'll probably end up selling him right away.

Edit: Someone ended up biding on him for 40 mil. Way too overpriced if you ask me.


Rookie 1
Well,i just wanted a higher ovr card ,lebron is 99 ovr without being trained so why buying another 99 card and train to 104 when i can train lebron to 104?Btw is 100 young good? i saw one with a bidding price 16 mil .So far every time i face him on ai he is trash and small .Is he good on manual?


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